Mystery Solved

Book cover

Number of pages: Estimated 600 pages
Non Fiction / Science
6.000 in W | 9.000 in H
152mm W | 229mm H

About this book

UFOs have been observed since antiquity and continue to be spotted to this day. While many can be explained under a range of natural and man-made phenomena, such as planets, stars, comets, aircraft and weather balloons, to name a few, including the occasional hoaxes and hallucinations (which is why the term Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, or UAP has been introduced to cover the full gamut of non-flying and those non-physical seen through the imagination scenarios as well as genuine and mysterious-looking solid flying objects), a small hard-core percentage of genuine flying objects seen up close and personal and having a distinctly symmetrical design have mystified scientists for decades by providing considerable details of a strange symmetrical metallic and glowing object flying in the air. This includes the fact tghatr UFOs can leave behind physical evidence on the environment (burned plants, changes in pH levels in the soil compared to the surrounding soil, baked hard soil and sudden deficiency in biodiversity in the doil following a UFO landing, as well as strong magnetic residue on steel roadsigns at close range to the UFOs but not present in other signs further away) and on people (burns on skin, radiation poisoning, strong throbbing feelings in the head strongly supporting a powerful oscillating magnetic field used by UFOs) should be sufficient to re-evaluate the evidence to see if we have overlooked something important in this discussion. It is the only way to be certain.

But one thing is certain. With all the best military, scientific and civilian efforts to explain away and, ultimately, persuade UFO witnesses that what they saw were misinterpretations of natural or known man-made phenomena (if not hallucinations and hoaxes), reports of UFOs continue to be made to this day. This makes it clear that we cannot solve a persistent problem and expect a different result by doing the same things as the authorities have done in the past. It is crazy and simply does not work. Something else is happening to convince enough genuine witnesses of the reality of the phenomenon, and that the objects in question are real and showing signs of a technological device of some sort, especially when viewed at close range. At some point, we have to give these witnesses some credit in the possibility that they may have seen something, and we must make the effort to find out if there is anything in physics to support the witnesses’ claims.

It is without a doubt that we are dealing with a real, solid flying object. This fact is abundantly clear when we see in the Belgium UFO case of 1989-90 more than 30,000 witnesses describing the same triangular UFO, and was detected on radar and confirmed by Belgium pilots that tried to intercept the object. This is not a hallucination. Nor can people be hoaxing the event if too many are honest about seeing the same object. We can especially discount hoaxes for those UFO cases in which witnesses have died from radiation poisoning so soon after a UFO encounter.

When facing a truly real, solid flying object, the correct term for what we are dealing with here is definitely UFOs. Therefore, the questions we need to be asking in this situation are as follows:

  1. What are these genuine symmetrical UFOs?
  2. Can these UFOs advance science in terms of a new technology that humans can use to build and explain the complete range of common UFO observations witnesses have been reporting for a long time?

Among the interesting common UFO observations to emerge from the reports include buzzing sounds reminiscent of an electrical generator when in operation, flashing bright glowing regions and how the frequency of the flashing affects the speed of the object, the presence of an external antenna, observations in certain UFOs of movable or fixed fuselages or protrusions around the central symmetrical body having common and highly specific positions to help with either accelerating or staying stationary, light beams emerging from beneath the UFO, the ability of the occupants to float in the light beam or partially float in the air near the UFO, the strange "S-pattern" or sinusoidal or zig-zag motion, as well as spiralling and bouncing back and forth with drift motion flight behaviours reminiscent of an electron moving in a magnetic field, the highly manoeuvrable nature of the objects, and how these objects can accelerate in an unusual non-uniform and dramatic way not seen in man-made aircraft today. And, of course, witnesses have seen the emergence of strange looking mostly short and universally thin humanoid occupants.

After looking at various UFO cases from around the world, a university physics graduate and researcher has identified the electromagnetic technology lying at the heart of genuine UFOs.

This book explains the technology and all the common observations made by witnesses.

Updated book for 2025 coming soon

The latest update to be released in the coming months contains the fundamental scientific concept and the mathematics of why interstellar travel is feasible. More astonishingly, it is a concept and technology that humanity can employ right now if we so choose. All that is required is a simple experiment to prove the concept and the reality of genuine symmetrical UFOs, and the rest is history. Because all that is required is to scale it up and provide the best engineering solutions needed to build an EM flying vehicle for people to participate.


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  2. Some documents used in the research
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  4. FAQs (coming soon)