Roswell Revealed

Revised and Expanded Edition

Book cover

ISBN: 978 0 994282 63 7 (U.S. English)
ISBN: 978 0 994282 64 4 (Intern. English)
Number of pages: 530
Non Fiction / Science
6.000 in W | 9.000 in H
152mm W | 229mm H

The full-colour paperback edition comes with additional pictures not available in the eBook (US and International English versions).

About this book

The book that started the controversy in the United States, with its remarkable insight into the dark-grey nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape-memory alloy known as nitinol and its link to the Roswell foil and the secret work carried out by the USAF after 1947 into nitinol and other titanium-based shape-memory alloys, is now fully revised and expanded. This edition contains the latest information on nitinol's physical properties and history, including a new chapter that looks at alternative materials and explains how likely it is that these materials could be used to explain the Roswell foil.

Was the Roswell foil nitinol or some NiTi-X variant (where X is a third element added in small quantities of around 1 to 2 per cent to help enhance certain engineering properties)? Can we assume the USAF did not work on shape-memory alloys in the late 1940s? And was it before July 1947, or after 1947? Could this military establishment, or any other entity in the world, have created nitinol or any other tough and temperature-resistant titanium-based shape-memory alloy in 1947 and in quantities sufficient to build a large flying object of the type that crashed in the New Mexico desert? And what exactly crashed in July 1947 that prompted the USAF to keep quiet about the shape-memory foil, and the "victims" found on a local rancher's property? The nature of the materials being so tough and able to resist high temperatures indicates a high-speed flying object. No weather balloon from the military (secret or otherwise) or civilian world would make sense to have such highly expensive, difficult to make, and extremely pure and tough materials used. Even the firsthand civilian and military witnesses who were present at the crash site and observed the materials are in agreement.

The United States Air Force (USAF) and Army are certainly not keen to explain what this new type of flying object is. But why can't the USAF explain what was found after all this time? What is so special about the flying object using a significant amount of a tough shape-memory alloy for its outer hull, as well as the "victims" that had presumably flown the object and died in the crash? The only way to answer this vexing question must lie in the nature of the "victims" involved. There is something mysterious about the "victims" that needs more clarification and a better explanation by the military rather than resorting to ideas of plastic dummies flown in some secret weather balloons.

How do we know there were victims? Leaving aside the testimony of various civilian and military witnesses, it is also interesting to note that in the secret memo inadvertently held towards the camera of James Bond Johnson in General Ramey’s office and careful analysis of the text, it is possible to read the word “victims” in association with the recovery of the Roswell object. At the time, the rancher who first found the initial wreckage had not spoken of any bodies on his property. The USAF even unleashed a harsh interrogation of the rancher and gave him an embarrassing body examination (presumably to make sure the rancher had not stashed away some of the materials somewhere on his body) in the hope of getting the rancher to explain everything that he found. As the rancher was clearly unaware of the existence of these bodies despite all the harsh treatment, the USAF had no choice but to let the rancher go.

However, during the recovery operation, something else was found not far from the initial explosion and scattering of materials as the object flew at high speed in a southwest direction that seems to be attempting to avoid being hit by the lightning strikes (if we can rely on the rancher's testimony of what probably happened). Since then, the memo is indicating something was once alive to be called “victims”, but it also needed to include the possible use of dummies to help explain these bodies should anyone ask about this. As no one did, the USAF could hide this fact from the public. However, by 1994, the dummies explanation had to be brought out and used in the Roswell Report as some people were asking about the appearance of so-called "bodies" in association with the Roswell object..

The secret memo makes it clear that it is unlikely we are dealing with dummies. Something was definitely found with those special tough and extremely lightweight materials, and it is something the military is afraid to explain Hence the reason for the continuing secrecy on the Roswell case to this day.

To the scientific community, it is unlikely we are dealing with a weather balloon, secret or otherwise. The super tough nature of the materials and their quantities, including an extremely expensive and difficult to manufacture in any large quantities by July 1947 the titanium-based shape-memory alloy used in the construction of a large outer hull of this object (to help explain the large quantities of the dark-grey shape-memory Roswell foil found on the rancher’s property, as well as the sudden interest by the USAF after 1947 in titanium-based alloys, including shape-memory alloys and a sudden interest in the world's most powerful shape-memory alloy of dark-grey appearance after the "summer of 1947" by Dr John P. Nielsen at New York University known as NiTi on behalf of the USAF) and its high-temperature resistance, not to mention the toughness properties of all the materials found makes no sense to use in a slow-moving weather balloon of any kind. The object we are dealing with must be a fast-moving artificial object of a certain reasonable size. And the object needs this Roswell foil to retain its original shape after any kind of deformation, either to help with its acceleration and deceleration or to protect occupants and/or instruments internally from impacts with the outside environment.

After studying shape-memory alloys and learning about when the USAF began studying these alloys so soon after the Roswell crash (and needed help from a scientific organisation known as the Battelle Memorial Institute to make and study titanium-based alloys, including the world’s most powerful dark-grey shape-memory alloy known as NiTi); and the way the military has been behaving in such a secretive way to this day and is still not able to properly explain exactly what was found, the Roswell crash has all the hallmarks of being one of the most important events in human history.

Does this mean that aliens have been found? Well, this depends on the state of technology the USAF had by July 1947 to develop a highly pure titanium-based alloy as needed to create a shape-memory alloy. Could the USAF have achieved this technological feat in 1947, and to the sufficient quantities needed to build the mysterious flying object that crashed in New Mexico?

This book will explain the work done by the USAF on shape-memory alloys and the likelihood that the USAF has reached this level of technological advancement.

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