Our Philosophy

Making human knowledge stable and accessible to all

SUNRISE Information Services (SUNRISE) is an Australian-owned and operated private research centre aimed at finding and presenting the most stable and timeless educational and research knowledge for the global community.

What we do

Founded in 1999, the primary objectives of SUNRISE are to conduct research into the more controversial areas of science, identify the most stable concepts and solutions, and present those concepts and solutions in a way that is interesting or easy to remember and recall.

To find this stable knowledge, we perform the following functions:

  • To simplify existing information for easy assimilation and recognition of the core knowledge (i.e., concepts) of greatest stability and usefulness for the 21st century and beyond.
  • To apply well-established principles of accelerated learning to stable knowledge.
  • To discover original or new knowledge, insights, observations, and ways of doing things that are likely to increase the stability and simplicity of the core knowledge.

Where to find the most stable knowledge?

To ensure our knowledge is stable, we have to look broadly. We also have to look at controversial areas of science that other scientists are afraid to look at in order to find new insights and knowledge. When core and stable knowledge is found, such as the laws of electromagnetism in physics or the paradoxical entity of Eastern mysticism of no name and its links to the equivalent paradoxical entity of science known as light/radiation, we will emphasise this on this web site.

Why the capitalised SUNRISE?

Think of it as an acronym for Search for a UNified Religion in Information for Social Equality.

Is science a religion?

It depends on the attitude of the people involved in science. If they are curious and willing to look at things with fresh eyes and look for original or new patterns, as well as question things to ensure the knowledge is at its most accurate, truthful, and with greater stability, they are called scientists. And the knowledge they create or refine over time is called science. But if the people are more accepting and trusting of the knowledge, do not question it, and even at times teach others that knowledge, they are described as more religious (or teachers).

Yet sometimes our efforts to simplify, question existing concepts, and seek better ones may lead us to knowledge that is stable and cannot be reduced to a more fundamental level, no matter how we challenge or try to disprove the knowledge.

In the world of science, we know there is scientific knowledge described as laws. It is rare to find anything so fundamental as a law in science, but they do exist. A classic example would be the laws of electromagnetism. Here we find a particular branch of knowledge that has never changed over time.

Laws are things that essentially do not change no matter how much time passes, or what we do to challenge the knowledge.

Once these laws are found, someone must accept, remember, and teach this knowledge to others. We generally call these people the religious types (or teachers, if you prefer). In other words, we are all religious-like in our efforts to find and present the laws or Truths of the Universe. Indeed, our very beliefs we hold in our minds are a form of religion, and we often religiously follow those beliefs.

Although science needs scientists and religion needs religious people, the reality is that people need both to help them get to the ultimate Truth and, from it, uncover the essential laws (or beliefs) that are most balanced, stable, unified, and far reaching and able to explain many things.


Thus, the aim of SUNRISE is to find the laws of science (and of religion) that are not going to change today, or in 500 years from now or beyond. To achieve this, SUNRISE applies a balance between curiosity of questioning things, simplifying information and finding the core knowledge, and finding and presenting the essential knowledge (and constantly refining) in the simplest way possible.

We need a balance between the application of visual skills and the ability to communicate externally, the essential concepts in the simplest way. If we cannot visualise the concepts, we cannot simplify them to their very essence. And, if we don't know how to communicate, we cannot explain the essential patterns we see to others. As Albert Einstein once said:

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

To find this stable knowledge, the first step is to use all the senses to "observe" the universe, just as many scientists do. Our primary sense is the eyes. We do a lot of observing, but it isn't the only way to gather information. We can also "observe" by listening with our ears, as well as tasting with our nose and mouth, touching with our hands, as well as using more sensitive instruments to perform these human functions, and eventually recording all this information somewhere for future reference when we need to analyse the information gathered and find unseen patterns. Yet all this is not quite enough to get to the essence of everything we observe.

The next step is best appreciated by the more creative and religious types: the use of our imagination and visualisation skills will help us to recognise familiar and observable patterns, but also the unfamiliar and unseen patterns with the help of our creativity to see beyond what our eyes can see. We use the mind to go further and move from the familiar to see the unfamiliar, or the one or multiple patterns that we have not seen before. At the same time, this hidden pattern has the potential to explain many things better than any theory in the past. For it is in this hidden realm of the human mind that we begin to see and identify the true fundamental patterns within the information, and with it, the insight into the true and absolute unifying religion (or science when the two meets) we are seeking.

The next step is to continually simplify and question this knowledge. Ask yourself: What is really important and unchanging in this knowledge? Is the knowledge correct? And what is the simplest way to understand and explain the knowledge? It is only when we do this simplification and get to the essence of all knowledge that we begin to discover certain unexpected benefits. For example, one such benefit of simplifying things is to cover new patterns not seen by others. Another benefit is that virtually anyone with basic communication skills can quickly understand the knowledge, and communicate it well to others, no matter how diverse or difficult it may seem. And yet another benefit of simplified knowledge is that it can save time and money to learn the ideas quickly and easily.

And the final step is to record the stable knowledge after performing all this work. At some point, you are going to need to keep a record of this knowledge for you and others to see and refer back to it, so they may either challenge the knowledge or accept it and teach others if it is truly fundamental.

Is knowledge a privilege, or a right?

We often hear certain people say that knowledge is a privilege, mainly from the R-wing types. For example, former Australian Education Minister Brendan Nelson was reported by the media as saying:

"I think education is a privilege." (2)

This is simply not true, especially when it comes to fundamental knowledge. Once you get something to its deepest level, its simplicity and power cannot be hidden or kept to a select few. Any attempt to restrict this knowledge to a few are only there to exploit the knowledge for their own personal gain (mainly financial) in the hope of maintaining their position of power and wealth. Unfortunately, taking on this view will only deny others the opportunity to use fundamental knowledge for solving problems. And if we cannot let people solve problems for themselves (or let others solve the problems for a price) through education, the cost to society will be far greater than we imagine. We have to realise that we cannot expect knowledge to be hidden forever. People will find out while they have some semblance of curiosity within themselves. If they question things and try to get to the truth, they will eventually see the fundamental knowledge. All it takes is time and a curious mind.

True knowledge, when brought down to its absolute essence, is something that is too simple and all-encompassing to be hidden away. True knowledge of the fundamental kind, the one that does not change, has always been the great power equalizer for all individuals in society. It ensures people are on an equal footing with no disadvantages for all. The true social equality we all seek. Getting to the core knowledge of anything has a habit of doing just that for anyone who pursues this area.