Advanced features and Applications of Windows XP

For professional users

Setting up Macromedia Dreamweaver for local, remote and testing of a web site

The procedure for Macromedia Dreamweaver 2004 MX is as follows:

  1. Open Macromedia Dreamweaver, if it isn't opened already.
  2. Choose from the menu, Site>Manage Site...
  3. In the maIn the Manage Sites window, click the New button.
  4. Enter the name for managing your site and click OK.
  5. The Site Definition window is shown. Within Local Info, enter the local root folder path location for storing a copy of the Remote site. Put a tick in "Refresh local file list automatically" and "Enable cache" check boxes.
  6. Click Remote Info and Testing Server and enter the location for these web sites you are managing. Remote Info means the actual "live" location for your web site (usually an IP address). The Testing Server is useful for checking features in your web pages that cannot be observed locally unless it is on a server. It is essentially the same as the Remote Site except only you have access to the Testing Server. Remember, entering the locations for both of these Remote and Testing areas involve typing an IP address in FTP host, the path to the folder containing the web site files in Host directory, and the login and password for administrator access to the server.
  7. Click OK and Done buttons.
  8. This should provide you with a list of files ready for processing.

Why do we do this? Well, it is important to have a testing environment as well as a local environment before committing your results to the Remote (live) environment. In case something goes wrong, you can fix the problem locally and upload the relevant files to the testing server without affecting users on the Remote site.

How do I see JPEG attachment files in the body of the emails in Microsoft Outlook?

You can't. Outlook Express, the software before Microsoft Outlook was released, would allow users to view JPEG attachment files. Now the feature has been lost in Outlook Express.

Where can I find the DBX files containing my email messages, contacts etc in Outlook Express?

To determine the location of these files:

  1. Launch Microsoft Outlook Express
  2. Click Options under the Tools menu.
  3. Select the Maintenance tab.
  4. Click the Store Folder button.
  5. The Store Location window will appear.
  6. Select the text containing the path location. It should look something like C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{3E5F...}\Microsoft\Outlook Express.
  7. Click Cancel button to close the Store Location dialog box. Click Cancel again to close the Options dialog box.
  8. Click Start>Run. The Run dialog box will appear.
  9. Paste (Ctrl V) the path. Click OK. You will see all DBX files containing your Outlook Express emails.

How do I install ColdFusion?

  1. Install Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server (IIS) on the PC if it has not been done already (ColdFusion will accept other servers).
  2. Install Macromedia ColdFusion MX
  3. Type a password for administrator access to Coldfusion. Keep it the same as the Windows Server Administrator password.
  4. Since we are running IIS, we must tell ColdFusion to connect to the Windows 2000 server. We do this by running a file called IIS_connector located in C:/CFusionMX/bin/connectors/IIS_connector.
  5. Start>Programs>Macromedia ColdFusion MX>Administrator. This will open up the administrator web page for configuring ColdFusion.
  6. In the left pane of the web page there include things like Server Settings, Data & Services, Debugging & Logging, Extensions and Security. Under Data & Services, click Data Sources.
  7. A list of Microsoft Access and other data source files may appear in a table. If so, click Verify All Connections button to ensure the files are accessible. Should there be an error in the status column, delete the offending data source file, enter the name in the Data Source Name field, specify the driver to read the data source file, and click the Add button.
  8. When adding a new data source file, there will be a field called "Database File" and a button called "Browse Server". Click the button and find the data source file. The path for locating the file will be stored in the field. Place a tick in the check box that says "Use Default Username". Optional is to type a description to help explain what it is.
  9. There is a button called Advanced Settings, but you shouldn't have to do anything here. Click the Submit button.
  10. Recheck the file by clicking Verify All Connections button.
  11. Now open up an internet browser.
  12. Enter the web address in the browser for accessing the web pages needed to manipulate the data within the data source file.